Have you ever thought of using Canva keyboard shortcuts? Want to memorise a few Canva shortcut keys to speed up your work? Canva is one of the best user-friendly graphic designing tools for creating templates, graphics, banners, presentations, ebooks, lead magnets and so much more.
Just after I discovered some cool canva keyboard shortcuts, I thought of sharing these amazing tricks and canva hacks with you so that you save time and create more.
Using canva is addicting. All these pretty elements, new fonts, stunning pictures. You have to stop yourself from trying new elements, exploring templates and designing new stuff. And, that’s a hint to use some Canva tips and tricks to make designing easy, and fast.
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What are Canva Keyboard Shortcuts?
Canva shortcuts are a little solution for working smarter, not harder. It’s easy and fast to use canva with these shortcut keys. Whether you are creating presentations for your clients, or design social media graphics for your blog, these keys are for regular use. It helps to use Canva tool faster.
Press a key to get a copy of text. Type keys for different functions. This is basically a little escape to use cursor a lot of time and use your keyboard or laptop keypad.
Most graphic designers, bloggers and content creators use Canva everyday. They spend hours to create beautiful and inspiring content. And, these Canva keyboard shortcuts makes content creation faster.
I am a Canva pro user and love every feature of it but it also has a free version that works excellent for starters. You can read full canva pro review here.
But, first, let me share a new Canva hack.
Canva Magic Commands Feature
Canva Magic command allows you to quickly add new elements, graphics, photos to your design. It is a new feature on Canva and currently available on computer/laptop. I just discovered it and absolutely love it.
When you are designing a graphic, you can press / to access the magic command and search for any element. Below, I wanted to add ‘grass’ to my graphic.
Step #1. Press / while working on document
Step #2. Type any word or element you need and you get all the options to choose instantly.
Step #3. Finally add your grass vector or image into your design quickly.
I think this new Canva hack is really cool.
Just explore Canva free and Canva pro for free. You will absolutely love all the amazing features. There are so many creative ideas when it’s about using Canva.
A few posts you would find helpful;
200+ Canva Keyword Ideas For Aesthetic Designs
100+ Best Canva Fonts For Pinterest Graphics
How to Create and Sell Canva Templates and Make Money
50 Canva Keyboard Shortcuts For Canva Users
Below is the list to save and bookmark to use later. I also suggest trying a few shortcut keys on Canva right now to see how it works. Click here to sign up for free.
Canva Keyboard Shortcuts for Text
1. Add a blank page = Cmd + enter
2. Copy the text = Cmd + C
3. Paste the text = Cmd + V
4. Add a text box = Press T
5. Bold text = Cmd + B
6. Make a copy = Cmd + D
7. Italicized text = Cmd + I
8. Underline text = Ctrl + U
9. Increase font size = Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + >
10. Decrease font size = Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + <
11. Align text to left = Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + L
12. Align text to right = Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R
13. Align text to center = Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + C
14. Use upper letter text = Cmd + Shift + K
15. Tidy up = Alt + Shift + T
16. Add a border to text = Option/Alt + B
More Canva Keyboard Shortcuts
Here are some more keyboard shortcuts for canva.
17. Select all elements = Cmd + A
18. Group elements = Cmd + G
19. Ungroup elements = Cmd + Shift + G
20. Delete element = Press delete
21. Select elements backward = Ctrl/Cmd + [
22. Select elements forward = Cmd/Ctrl + ]
23. Select elements to back = Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Alt + [
24. Select elements to front = Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Alt + ]
25. Zoom in = Command (+)
26. Zoom out = Command (-)
27. Undo an action = Command + Z
28. Redo an action = Command + Shift + Z
29. Zoom to fit: Alt-Command-0
30. Full screen mode = Cmd + Option + N
31. Exit from full screen mode = Esc
32. Play or pause video = Spacebar
33. Save = Cmd + S
34. Delete selection = Press delete or backspace
35. Show rulers = Shift + R
36. Add a new page = Cmd + enter
37. Delete a page = Cmd + delete
38. Add a line to template = Press L key
39. Add a rectangle = Press R key
40. Add a circle = Press C key
41. Search for help = Shift + ?
42. To add number key = Press number key
43. To add grid = Ctrl+;
44. Press mute/unmute video/sound = Press M key
Canva Keyboard Shortcuts for Presentations
45. Blur video = Press B
46. Add confetti to presentation = Press C
47. Add drum rolls to presentation = Press D
48. To add bubbles = Press O
49. To add quiet emoji = Press Q
50. Press ESC to exit presentation
51. To go to next page = Press Tab
Canva Key ShortCuts – Wrap Up
There, you go! Bookmark these canva keyboard shortcuts to increase your work efficiency. I hope you find some useful and helpful canva keyboard shortcut keys to make designing easier.
Keep exploring all these canva shortcuts to see how it works. Some of these features are so amazing. All you need is to press a key and it’s done. The presentation canva key shortcuts are cool too.
Try some of these shortcuts on Canva today. Get a free Canva trial today 🙂
This is such a rich Canva guide Arfa. I still use Canva sometimes when guest blogging. What a powerful platform for increasing your exposure through the visual avenue, aka, via eye candy.
Thanks Ryan! I agree with you. Canva is such a powerful tool for a lot of things. I love using it and I like how easy it is with graphics and all.
Hi Arfa, I want to thank you for these tips, I’m a total Canva newbie, I always hated photoshop and finally moved over to Canva Pro, but most of the time I’m clueless and everything takes me that little bit longer. These shortcuts will surely speed things up for me. I’m going to save in it a text doc until I can memorize it all. You’re amazing!
Hi Matthew! I love canva and these shortcuts are definitely helpful. Make sure to save this and bookmark this page.
Honestly, this is the most comprehensive guide out there. I’ve been using Canva for over a year for my business and I’m excited to learn some of these features that will help me create designs faster.