This post is last updated on July 2023.
Tired of writing the same blog posts over and over again? Not knowing different types of blog posts that add variety to your content, and also grow your blog audience?
You never know what content piece would get more love and more sales. Not every post goes viral and drives thousands of clicks. Similarly, not every post is meant to generate hundreds of sales. All kinds of blog posts are different and hold a unique purpose. The way blog readers consume content is different. So, it’s always a superb idea to write different types of blog posts on your blog. Don’t be scared to open up for new content ideas.
Every other day, bloggers and content creators struggle with blogging ideas. The most common question that pops up everywhere is, ‘What should I write on my blog?’.
And, to be honest, I can relate to what most of us feel when we get clueless on what to post next on our blogs. I have gone through this feeling a lot of time. Nothing worse than feeling numb and staring at the blank screen.
While it’s perfectly fine to look for blog post ideas and visit different blogging sites to get inspiration, it’s also important to determine the different types of blog posts your blog needs.
I planned to write this post to give you enough ideas that you can use, and implement on your blog. And, when you start writing these types of blog posts on your website, you would also analyze what type of blog posts your readers are interested in. Just a little hint 🙂
You will not determine what type of blog content resonates with your audience until you create it.
Every blog audience is different, and the way they perceive the content is also different. You don’t have to get worried about this but just know that this comes with a lot of practice, experience, and hundreds of blog posts. If you are a new blogger, you are just doing fine.
There are many key factors when it comes to starting a successful blog, and the most important thing is to produce extraordinary content. So, let’s find out different kinds of posts that work well, and a few blogging tips to help you write successful blog content.
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What are the best types of blog posts to write?
I personally think it truly depends on your blog niche and blog audience. It’s hard to say what types of blog posts do well in a specific niche blog. Because, as I said, we never know until we create and experiment with different kinds of blog posts and then, check what type of posts get better engagement, or shares, etc.
Some say that how-to guides are the most popular content type. While others say that list types of posts work well. Then, if we dig into some other websites we also find out that resource post does a lot better than a normal blog post.
Every blog post has it’s own reach and engagement rate. Readers respond differently to a blog post. Sometimes, video blog posts are more helpful than a written post.
So, get your creative juices flowing and start writing on some of these highly recommended, and the best types of blog posts that should grow your blog in different ways.
By the way, it’s always a bright idea to refresh your writing skills and play with creativity in content creation.
19 different types of blog posts to kill your blogger’s block
Here’s the first one.
1. Long Form Blog Posts
Not everyone likes writing, and even reading a lengthy blog post but these are the most important content asset for your blog. A fully researched backed blog post on a topic is a solution to worried users.
9x more leads were reportedly generated by using long-form blog posts.
If the content topic requires extra steps or a tutorial, don’t be scared to do that. It adds value to your content and your users would appreciate it. Every time we land on a website, we usually think of more solutions to a problem, or maybe the reasons for a problem. The posts that sum up everything usually get more love by readers, and of course, search engines.
I also agree that writing a long blog post takes time but these pieces are worth creating. It takes me about 3 days to plan, write, create graphics, edit and then publish the post but I feel content just after I press ‘publish’.
Think about any in-depth topic in your blogging niche, start planning your next epic lengthy blog post.
Long-form content takes a long time to write. Make it worthwhile – BlogTyrant
2. Personal stories
How about sharing your personal story? Maybe you have a blog on parenting, anxiety issues, food recipes or freelancing, etc. Have you ever thought of writing a personal story post?
These kinds of posts do really well in terms of building an audience, increasing engagement and getting opinions. People love stories.
This could be a good story or a bad one. Or, maybe, a funny story. All you need to do is to share a personal story.
Some ideas are;
- How I felt when I was struggling with anxiety in my early 20s
- My first-ever recipe at the age of 7
- The day I learned I’m not a good parent
These are just rough ideas that came to my mind while writing the post. But, I hope you get it.
If you struggle with the blog post topics, then get started with these 121+ blog post ideas.
3. How-to Post / Tutorials
How-to tutorials are simply the best kind of blog posts to create. The reason they are highly popular is that these posts solve the reader’s problem. It’s basically a step by step solution to the problem.
Whether it’s about using a tool, any equipment, a gadget or any activity, the how-to is the simplest blog post type you can write on your blog.
Think of these posts as your mini-blog tutorials. Start with your reader’s problems, or most searched queries, and then come up with your post. As simple as that.
Here are a few examples;
- How to hide Instagram hashtags automatically to your first comment
- How to create online quizzes to grow your email list
4. List Posts
Do you want to get more traffic to your website? Start creating list posts on your blog. This is the most common type of blog post you mostly see everywhere on the internet.
When it comes to the blog post topic, it totally depends on your blog niche. You can literally create a list of anything you want!
Some list posts are short while some are long-form list posts. An example is Jon Morrow’s 600+ power words list post. It has attracted several backlinks, shares and what not!
From Forbes to Buzzfeed, most popular sites have a variety of list posts that do really well on the internet. If you’re on Pinterest or Facebook, you might have clicked tons of list posts.
When writing a list post, the headline title is critical. Here are 7 formulas help you write clickable blog post titles with examples.
Do you want to brainstorm content ideas for your own blog? My new ebook covers everything for you! This ebook is based on evergreen content creation and how to monetize every single post to make consistent sales.
Note: Struggling with creating blog posts that grow your blog? Make sure to add evergreen posts in your blog content strategy. I even have a detailed ebook that covers all about evergreen content creation strategies. Get my ebook for all ninja tricks!
5- Interviews : Q & A style
Interview posts have their own style. Depending on your niche, people do love this format. These types of posts are easy to plan, and execute. But, it does require a bit of work.
Start with preparing a list of questions. Email the list to the interviewee. Give them the required time, and any guidelines to follow. As soon as you receive the answers, take out time to edit the post in your WordPress dashboard, put some images and publish it.
Shemeansblogging also has an interviewee series where I interview successful bloggers and entrepreneurs.
If you want to get familiar with the interview format, you can read my interview with McKinzie Bean. Her interview is so helpful for blogging moms who want to get started and grow their business while taking care of their family, and children.
Who to interview?
- An important person in your life
- An inspirational person you look up to
- Your favorite blogger/influencer/author
- A friend
- A small business owner
- Anyone you want
Seriously, there are no rules set. You can literally invite anyone on your blog, and interview them if you think your readers would want that. You can also ask your readers if this is something they would want to join too.
If you want to know more about me and my blogging journey, you can read my interview on this site.
6. Write a review post
Review posts are a bit interesting. You would have to think like a consumer. Before you plan to write a review, choose a product in your niche. Take out time to actually review it, and write for your audience.
These kinds of posts work really well in affiliate marketing. All you have to do is to pick a product, study it and then write an honest review. You can define what it’s about, how to use it, pros and cons, price etc.
Tell your readers why you should or shouldn’t buy the product. Remember that people read a couple of reviews before making their purchase. It should be a balanced opinion and not just a hardcore sell.
Here’s a review I wrote for Freshbooks, and this is a review for Elegant themes.
7. Quizzes
Quizzes are fun to create. It’s too common to face writer’s block at times. And, whenever you struggle with that phase, jump over to quizzes.
Create fun and engaging quizzes around your topics and share it on your blog. These types of blog posts also get thousands of shares on facebook platform.
Are you struggling with blog focus? Not sure where to put your focus in your blogging biz? Answer few questions and find out exactly where you need to put your focus in your blogging journey.
Have 45 seconds? Take my quiz
People love taking quizzes, and it’s also a smart way to grow your email list. I have also explained in this post how I created a quiz to grow my audience, and build my email list.
So, if you’re eager to create your first quiz on your website then use this link to enjoy a free trial with tryinteract. It’s so fun!
8. Case studies
This blog post type can be new for many bloggers. Case studies are usually the in-depth research over a subject.
These can also be success stories. It’s about how you achieved certain results. It thus includes all the steps, and behind the scenes.
You can even share your own success story. Or, you can also reach out to your customers or anyone who have used your products or services. Ask them how they used your products to improve their life, business, etc and then, share a case study on your blog.
I also published a free case-study of how one blog post makes me money, and email subscribers every month. This has been downloaded by thousands of my blog readers.
9. Controversial posts
If you want heated discussions on your blog then writing on a controversial topic is a good idea. It’s fun to write on a topic that your readers are interested in and then, get ready for some negative comments too.
But, the thing is, it gives you a new thing to write about. Not the same education guidelines but something that’s already in talks.
Remember that some topics and some words are highly emotional. Just be careful when writing about such topics.
Too often we get stuck and struggle with blog topics. In this post, I shared 25 unique ways to find blogging ideas for your blog. Well, it’s a little exercise but you’d love the list of new blog post ideas.
10. Answer the ‘why’
When you don’t feel like writing any blog post, just pick the most asked question and write about it. People are always searching for terms like why I feel like shopping, why I feel sleepy, why I don’t have money, or why do I get acne. These are some terms people search like dozens of times.
For example, Ryan Biddulph answers many blogging questions in his blog post. In this post, he answers what topics should you discuss on your blog. Sometimes, he also makes videos to just answer a simple why.
So just pick a question and write a post on it. However, it depends on you if you want to make it a super lengthy post, or a short post. You can go through facebook groups and look at what people are talking about. If you look deeply, there are so many WHY everywhere.
Want to see an example? Here’s my post on 17 reasons why you don’t get traffic to your site.
11. Checklists
Ok, so checklists? How easy! This is an easy type of blog post you can create in less than an hour.
A checklist helps people complete all the steps in order to complete the task or activity. Let’s say if you write about traveling so you can create a checklist for ‘first-time solo travelers’. Once your checklist is completed, you can share it with your readers.
Write a post about it on your blog. You can also convert it into a quick pdf and provide it as a content upgrade in your posts. This can further help in building your email list.
If you don’t have an email list, you can create one today. This post shows you all the steps to get started with an email list.
The few tools I recommend are Mailerlite, Convertkit and Constant Contact.
12. Mistakes made + Lessons learned
It’s fairly simple to write a post on all good things but it takes courage to confess your mistakes, and talk about it. This can definitely be a stellar idea for your next blog post. People love reading and engaging on such posts where bloggers talk about their mistakes, and what did they do to correct them.
Start with any silly mistake you made in your career, personal life or anything.
Here are some ideas;
- 7 mistakes I made as a teenager
- 12 humongous mistakes I made at work [But, never got fired]
For a live example, you can read this post on 13 common blogging mistakes most bloggers make.
13. Infographics
If you get tired of writing blog posts then create an infographic and share it on your blog. They are fun to create and can also get tons of backlinks.
Let’s suppose you like an infographic that you want to share on your blog. Instead of creating a new infographic from scratch, you can simply copy the code provided below the infographic or somewhere on the site and then upload it on your site. Ensure that the credit to the original creator is given.
However, with readymade infographics templates, it’s so quick and easy to design infographics. You can use tools like visme, or canva for an infographic.
Can you please pin the image below?
14. Videos
We all know that the videos are the next big thing. You might be already creating videos for your youtube channel, or maybe shooting videos for your facebook. But, why stop there?
Create a video about your next blog post topic and embed it in your post. This thus creates a completely new blog post on your site. You can add text to it for extra value.
Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search results than plain text.
Why use more videos?
- It increases users time spent on your site
- It engages your audience
- Videos drive more traffic to your site
Adding videos to your site also increases RPM if you have ads enabled on your site.
15. Go for a Rant
Isn’t this a fun idea? Don’t get me wrong, but rants can be a blog post. Even if you feel angry about a topic, or maybe a product, just rant about it. People love to read such posts and add their own two cents 😉
These kinds of short posts also refresh your mind. It’s ok to do it once in a while.
And, if the rant is unique or just too relevant then chances are that it might also go viral. That means, high traffic to your website.
16. Do a comparison post
Remember we talked about doing reviews? Comparison posts are kind of similar to that but in these types of blog posts, you compare two products and write about them.
These kinds of posts are very popular because people are always interested in product comparisons.
Which one is better?
Is it smart to use product A or product B?
Which one is more effective?
What’s most cost-effective?
By writing such posts, you’re giving your readers an option to choose from two products, two stories or anything that you want to compare.
Here’s an example from Bloggers Passion where Anil compared two SEO tools to give us a better understanding;
17. Blog Series
If you really want to increase traffic to your blog then start a blog series on your blog. It’s such an efficient way to write different posts on one main topic.
Think of any broad topic in your niche. Then, break your big idea into small parts and write about those parts in every blog post.
Here are a few reasons why doing a blog series is a great idea;
- Enhances expertise on the topic
- Increases pageviews
- Chances of more backlinks
- Improves the SEO
18. Roundup posts
Every niche has experts, and influencers. These are the thought leaders in their industries. People look up for their expert opinions on particular topics and how their advice can help others exceed. Most influencers also have a huge following on social media.
You can create a list of top influencers to follow, or the best websites to follow in your niche. You can also add links to their social channels including Twitter, Instagram, youtube or facebook. Cross-check if they have a website and give a link.
I also asked 11 blogging experts to share one tip on how to get your blog noticed. You can simply create a list and mention others. However, if you want to take other’s opinions, you will have to first reach out to them, and then compile the answers.
Once your expert roundup is ready, you can also reach out to them and tell them they are mentioned in your best expert list. You can also ask them if they would love to share the post. If you know how to outreach influencers then you should definitely get a share from them.
It’s not always necessary to mention big influencers. You can even mention small businesses, small influencers or individual bloggers. You can even ask them for a quick quote or anything that’s related to the blog post topic.
I have been mentioned on many sites so I made sure to list down all of the sites here. I try to update this list every 4 months.
19. Giveaways
Everybody loves giveaways! It’s a smart tactic to build engagement, grow subscribers and gain more audience to your website.
It’s up to you what type of giveaway you want to host on your site. You can do this once in a year, or maybe twice a year. Many small businesses, entrepreneurs and influencers do giveaways very often.
This article uncover some prominent reasons how giveaways are beneficial for small companies, and blog businesses.
That’s a wrap!
What different types of blog posts you plan to create in 2023?
Hope you enjoyed reading 17 types of blog posts that are proven to grow your blog business.
I will leave you here with a question.
What kinds of blog posts you are planning to write in 2023?
I plan to create videos, case studies, and long-form blog posts.
What are your thoughts?
Please share your comments below.
Arfs thanks much for the mention buddy. Mixing post types keeps blogs interesting. I enjoy changing things up to give my readers options and variety.
i love these ideas! will definitely be saving them to add to my own content
Hey Arfa,
This is such a great encouragement for newbies as well as for advanced bloggers.
For newbies, you need a guide to start it with uniqueness and for advanced bloggers, you need something that is creative instead of just the regular blogs.
I appreciate you for opening up the perception of blogging for more creative and interesting.
Hey Ryan!
Well, I really like this strategy. Bloggers should keep on experimenting with different kinds of content to give more options to readers. And, as you said, it keeps the blog interesting!
That’s a wonderful idea, Kennedy!
Hey Jeangam!
Welcome to my blog. Yes, definitely! Adding variety to the content is so important these days. With the millions of blogs these days, it’s critical to get your content noticed. And, using some of these content ideas is a great strategy to follow.
This is a very comprehensive list full of great ideas and information. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I feel inspired!
Thanks, Christine! Hope this is useful for you.
Thank you so much, the information is really good, I have learnt alot, infographic is defenetley a good idea I need to practice more
That’s great, Lorena! Infographics are huge and with these pre-made templates, it’s easier.
A lot of great ideas and reminders about the different blog types I have read but haven’t thought about writing yet.
Exactly, Virgina! I might self haven’t tried all these formats but very happy with what I experimented. I really enjoyed creating a quiz!
TERRIFIC IDEAS! Seriously, this is a blog post people who suffer from writer’s block need to turn to! Ha! Nicely done! I think personal stories are ones that work best (as long as their relateable) because well, people can resonate with the story being told. I remember when I started putting more of my personal life into my blog, people started to appreciate it so much more!
Superb! I like this. No more writer’s block…lol
There are some super ideas here Arfa.
I think it’s easy to get stuck in a “topic” mode that can leave you a little burned out sometimes. As bloggers it’s important to freshen things not just for your readers but for us as bloggers too. It’s of course important to keep firm grip on what people are coming to your blog to read, but it can be tough to maintain without the occasional change in post type.
Lie other of your posts, I’ve enjoyed this and it’s helped me think more about “mixing things up”… even if it’s just a little!
I love your blog! It’s alway filled with great ideas!
This is great to mix it up a bit! I definitely need to do infographics.
Thanks, Katy! Yeah, that would be a nice addition 🙂
You’ve got some great suggestions here! This is a good list to keep on hand for the next time that I’m struggling with writer’s block or a lack of inspiration – reading through the different types of blog posts definitely has my mind racing with ideas!
This is a very informative blog. I like the different types of blog posts and I will definetly be implementing some of them. Thank you!
Loads of great ideas here. very helpful indeed! I really like the ‘answer the why’ suggestion. I need to start keeping track of re-occurring questions so I can do this.
This is awesome. I love this post. It’s so useful. Thanks so much.
This is such a great post. Knowing all these different types of posts has allowed me to never lack content for my blog. My blog is for new moms and I recently did an expert interview post which everyone really loved. I can’t wait to try more of these different formats.
Thank you for this post. I am new to blogging and finding content planning to be a struggle. I feel the information you provided may offer some relief. Thanks again.
Hi Arfa!
Thank you very much for this post. It gave me some new ideas to write upon!
Best of luck!
Thanks so much!
Glad you found some ideas.
Really informative post 🔥. I would really love to go for a rant post lol . As I bought really useless Ebooks from other bloggers out there but never thought about writing reviews about them. I think I will start writing those Now 🙂
Hey Arfa, how are you? I loved this guide on different types of blogs to add variety. I have a question: what’s the difference between long form content and how tos? I suspect sometimes long form contents begin with a “how-to.”
I had already subscribed to your content through various methods and again subscribed 3 times today to get those high-value freebies. A few days ago, I launched my blog and on the way with writing the second blog post. Your blogs have always helped me push for my dream blog and this time I will make it happen. Thank you from the core ❤️.
Bdw, I saw a shortcode in the middle of this blog. This might not be working and you might want to review it.