The New Year’s excitement is all here! With all the new promises, aspiring goals, and commitments, it’s the right time to start setting new year’s resolutions. This post is all about preparing for a successful new year. Inside the post, you are going to find 23 new year’s resolutions for bloggers in 2025.
Want to set the best New year’s resolutions this year?
Get all the inspiration, and the ideas you need for the new year and make it a prospering one.
The start of the new year is a good time to reflect over the past year and set new resolutions for the year. Before you prepare yourself for the new year, you can take out time to look back on the past year to find out what worked, and what did not work.
This is such a refreshing activity that will further develop clarity for your new year’s goals.
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List of 2025 New Year’s resolutions for Bloggers
As you know, blogging is a continuous game of trials, and errors.
You keep growing your blog from one stage to another.
You write one blog post after another.
Or, follow one strategy from another.
You check your google analytics to see if your numbers are upping, or falling apart.
Or, you constantly work day and night to make money blogging.
You are finding ways to expand your blog business.
And, the list goes on…
As bloggers, there’s so much to focus on. No matter how hard you try, it’s still a regular work. You can never get done with all the blogging tasks in a month, or a year. It’s your income-generating business that you keep growing every single day.
But, the new year is going to be AMAZING for you!
Today, I will help you set some New Year’s resolutions for bloggers. You are free to pick the ones you resonate with, but the promise here is to stick to it and keep working hard to accomplish it before the year ends.
Let’s get started.
23 Best New Year’s Resolutions For Bloggers in 2025
Before I share new year’s resolution ideas with you, here’s something more.
Let go of all the disappointments, rejections and failures in your blogging life. Just let it go.
A new year is here to welcome you and it’s going to be a great one for your blog business! Having a strong belief in yourself will help you be confident, inspired and motivated throughout the next year.
You can do it!
Let’s get started with some new year’s resolutions for bloggers.
For many bloggers, the number #1 resolution is to start a blog in 2025! There’s no better time to take your blog seriously and get started with your brand new blog.
Click here to follow the most popular step by step guide to start a profitable blog and make money blogging in only a few months. This is the exact guide, used by hundreds of bloggers to launch their blogs.
1- Have a Strong Blogging Mindset
This is a big one! You need a solid mindset to become a successful blogger. This is exactly the first thing you need to change in the new year.
Don’t get dragged away by someone else’s success, or growth. Don’t compare yourself to others. You have your own blogging journey to focus on.
There will be dark days but there will be bright days.
There will be those hundreds of hours working on your laptop but then, there will be those payment notifications in your inbox.
You just have to be there!
You will need to have;
A mindset to believe in your capabilities.
A mindset to improve your blog every single day
A mindset to work hard
And, a mindset to be able to make money online
Ready for a blog business mindset?
2- Create a Content Strategy
The new year is the best time to work on your content strategy. You need to literally dedicate a whole day to craft your content strategy. It’s important to have clarity in your blog content plan.
Before you come up with a strategy, ask yourself what are your content goals? Do you want to gain potential customers? Do you want to focus on social media audience? Do you want to increase organic traffic?
Whatever it is, sit and create your own content strategy. One thing you can do is to go through Google Analytics to check the most viewed pages. This gives you an idea of what type of posts your readers are already interested in, and which type of blog posts are working.
When planning your strategy, make sure to include every little detail. For example, the topics you want to cover, the number of posts to publish, the content length, the sub-topics you want to add. etc. Similarly, do you plan to write more evergreen posts or seasonal posts? List it all.
You can even focus on evergreen content strategy in coming year.
The ebook below includes everything you must know to start planning and publishing evergreen content. This is how I have created blog posts on my blog too!
Steal the entire system.
==> Check out the ‘Evergreen Content Strategies’ Ebook here.
3- Focus On Your Blogging Goals
By focusing on your blogging goals, you’ll be able to navigate challenges with confidence and clarity. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight, but with determination, a clear purpose, and consistent effort, you can achieve your dreams and make a meaningful impact through your blog.
It starts with a few steps;
- Set Specific Goals
- Break Goals Into Manageable Steps
- Track Your Progress
- Avoid Comparisons
- Prioritize Consistency
- Celebrate your wins
4- Diversify your Blog Income
This is one of the best new year’s resolutions for bloggers! Start focusing on multiple income streams for your blog. I learned it the hard way but I would definitely advise you to diversify your blog income in the coming year.
If you are only making money with ads, try affiliate marketing.
Or, if you make money with brands, try ads.
Or, if you make money with your own products, try affiliate marketing.
If you don’t have any solid income stream now then start offering services on your blog.
Just add more income streams. This is the only way you can start generating some income from your new blog. I know how new bloggers struggle with money so this is one thing you want to do in the new year.
You can read more;
How to easily monetize your blog without ads?
7 most profitable methods bloggers make money online!
How to make money with ebooks
5- Do Action Taking Blogging Tasks
Stop wasting time for all the things that don’t get you any results. I’m guilty of wasting my time too but 2020 has been the best year in terms of time management and productivity. I still struggle with it but I am more clear on what I want to focus every month.
I am sure your year might have been totally different!
Start doing action taking tasks in 2025. Your time is valuable. Instead of wasting it over complaining why your blog is not growing, divert your focus on tasks that actually get results.
I have read this SUPER HELPFUL guide by Lena Gott and I totally recommend anyone who’s not sure what to do with your blog. If you think you’re wasting time on hundreds of things that don’t grow your blog then this ebook is for you.
6- Practice Self Care
What if I call it the best new year’s resolution for bloggers?
Well, it’s so true!
Taking care of yourself is the first thing. I have seen myself emotionally and physically struggled when I don’t take care of myself. As a blogger, it’s necessary to practice self-care and make it a regular habit.
- Your back needs rest.
- Your mind needs to revitalize.
- Your eyes want to rest.
Don’t forget yourself while building your blog.
If you are a mom blogger then here are some amazing self care ideas for moms!
Take care of yourself!
- Eat healthy meals
- Walk daily
- Take a head massage
- Sleep well
- Hydrate your body – Drink water
7- Set Plans for your Blog
I am sure you have heard this advice hundreds of times but trust me, planning your blog in advance is so helpful.
Imagine where do you want to see your blog in 2025?
Think of how much money you want to make from your blog in 2025?
This will certainly help you set realistic goals for your blog. Which further helps you plan your blog easily.
Or, buy the slay your goals planner here.
You can also download this free guide on slaying your goals.
8- Uplift your Website with a New Look
Maybe, this can be another new year’s resolution idea for bloggers, right? Many bloggers are clearly not happy with their blog design or how does their website looks.
You can simply revamp your website in 2025. But, for that, you need to get clear about it.
Start gathering thoughts of how you want your website to look. Is there any website that you get inspired? What is the color combination you plan to choose? What is the theme you’re looking to install? Are there any custom elements that you want to add to your site? What other features you’re looking for in your new theme or design?
You can find a list of best WordPress themes for bloggers here.
Tip : Make a secret Pinterest board and pin all your ideas there. Then, look at before constructing a plan.
9- Build a Blogging Tribe : New Year’s Resolution Idea
Do you want to make your own small tribe? Well, yes! Do this in the coming year.
It takes time, planning and hard work to build a new tribe from scratch. It takes years to grow and make an engaged community.
You can start a facebook group with people of your own interest.
Interested in a free Facebook group? Click to join ‘Bloggers Camp to engage with other bloggers, participate in daily threads and so more!
10- Experiment with a new content format
Aren’t you tired of posting blog posts over and over again? Why not try a new content format in 2025?
I remember working with a freelance client in 2018 who started to add videos to his website. He transformed a simple video into audio, and then a blog post. That means, he published 3 content from 1 idea. Isn’t this awesome?
There are several types of content formats that you can publish on your blog to add variety and creativity. Here’s a list of 19 different types of blog posts to add to your content strategy in 2025.
11- Expand my Social Network
Many new bloggers are afraid to make new connections. They live in their own blogging bubble and never interact. It’s okay if you’re one of them but how about expanding your social network in the new year?
Social networks play an important role in making successful blogging connections. There, you find new bloggers, brands, and businesses. You make new friends and find new ways to show up. Engage with your audience. You learn what’s trending, and what’s not.
Make this include in your new year’s resolution list for 2025.
12- Find an Accountability Partner
Where’s your blogging partner? Is there anyone who you speak to? Talk about your struggles and success stories?
I don’t know how to say this but having a blogging partner is compulsory. As a blogger, you have so much to share and talk about. Having a friend who’s in the same boat is the right choice!
Find a friend and share a bond so that you both listen to each other. Give each other feedback and support each other.
13- Get more Organized with a Blogging Schedule
This is a difficult one for many bloggers!
Set this as your new year’s resolution so that you be more organized with your schedules.
Working from home is not easy. Especially, if you’re a mom or someone who manages the home, and other tasks while blogging.
You literally need to divide your hours every day. Spend every hour wisely so that you know that you’ve achieved something.
You need to get organized with your home tasks, blogging tasks, cooking timings, etc.
- You can create an online calendar and stick to it.
- Use a paper calendar to keep track of your hours, and how you’re spending each and every hour.
- Use sticky notes on your laptop, desk or board.
- Set timers every single day so that you don’t miss out on working on your blogging tasks.
14- Hit a milestone in each quarter
If you’re like me, you can set a milestone for each quarter and just focus on it.
For example, if you want to focus on your website traffic then spend 3 months on it. It’s just a small milestone but this should give you an idea of how long you have worked on your strategy and if it worked. I have taken Ready Set Blog Traffic course, and found it really helpful.
So, hit one milestone in each quarter and yeah, celebrate!
15- Focus on Blog Traffic
Blog traffic is an important focus for bloggers in any niche. And, no matter what goals you have, you cannot ignore your website views. It makes a difference to your audience, income, blog credibility and also, trust.
For some bloggers, it takes time to build that blog traffic. After experimenting and applying endless strategies, I have to come to realise that understanding your blog traffic is really important!
What works for me does not have to work for you!
I explain and teach every strategy that I have learned and used to get million views yearly. You can steal my blog traffic secrets in this ebook called ‘Fast Track Your Blog Traffic’.
16- Build an Engaged Email List
Always wanted to build an email list?
Set this a new year’s resolution for your blog business. Most bloggers just get busy and avoid email marketing even knowing how important it is. If you want to get started, this post helps you start an email list.
Starting in 2025, you can pay full attention to the email list building and build your own tribe. It’s not that you enable a form on your site and you get thousands of subscribers! It doesn’t work that way.
You need to work on different things to build an engaged email list. From creating freebies to forms, there’s a lot of work.
Then, you have to nurture your email subscribers with more valuable content. It’s an additional job you do every week besides publishing blog posts.
Related post: How to get your first 500 email subscribers with this 5 step plan.
17- Quality over Quantity
Do you know what’s the reason for successful blog businesses? They believe in quality over quantity.
Many blogs are not huge but they still make decent income blogging. Similarly, some blogging sites publish like regular posts but they are crap, and people don’t come back to these sites again.
Put your focus on quality content creation. Give some of your time to improve your content skills. Practice writing every day, and see how you can make it more interesting.
If you’re interested in improving your writing skills then Henneke Distruitmet’s advice is super helpful! She’s my favorite person for writing lessons.
18- Build relationships with other bloggers
Don’t be afraid to reach out to other bloggers. Everyone is here to position their names and grow their businesses. Just like you see there are people who demotivate and criticize you, there are people who support you.
You got to make successful blogging connections to grow online.
But, you got to take the first step!
- Reach out to them (don’t ask for anything. Just appreciate their blogging efforts)
- Mention them in your blogs
- Offer a small collaboration request
- Invite them on your blog
- Support them
These are small things but their impact is huge.
19- Audit your Blog
Too often we don’t consider cleaning our sites but it’s important too. Set this a priority in the coming year.
- Remove any broken links.
- Check if your legal pages are created, or not. As a blogger, it’s critical to protect your blog legally.
- Determine your site speed and see if it’s too slow.
- Check if your site has a caching plugin installed. I recommend WPRocket for its excellent performance and it speeds up your site.
- Look for any unnecessary plugins and remove them
- Check your old posts and see if they require an update
- Update your about me page
There are so many other things to do. Just find them and do it.
20 – Follow Consistency
It might be the old resolution from your last year but remember to add this in new year’s resolutions for bloggers.
You need to be consistent to become a successful blogger. You should keep posting new content, and engaging with your audience. Learn new things and implement. Be active on social media platforms, etc.
I shared 5 simple steps to be a consistent blogger. Hope this helps.
21- Listen to One Podcast Every Week
Podcasts are so refreshing when it comes to giving a break to your mind. It’s so much fun listening to new things, stories and ideas.
Develop this habit of one podcast every week. You will find inspiration, and ideas even when you feel a bit low. With a number of variety of podcasts, you will find a podcast in almost most interesting topics.
Whether it’s about your business, creativity, mental health or happiness, you can listen to one you want to.
Here are few best podcasts for bloggers;
Simple Pin Podcast by Kate Ahl
Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher
On Purpose with Alex Beadon
Are you going to include podcasts in your New Year’s resolutions?
22- Spend time with family & friends
Another best new year’s resolution is to set aside time for your family and friends. Too often, we get caught up in never-ending tasks and don’t spend much time with them.
This year, make a promise to yourself that despite all the tasks, overloaded calendar, you will spend time with your family. Hang out with your friends.
23- Be a confident blogger
The last but not least new year’s resolution idea for bloggers is to become confident. I see that many bloggers feel too shy about their blogs, and their goals.
I know it takes time to build a personality online but keep working on it. Bloggers are like entrepreneurs these days. A blog can make you earn a living income. Bloggers are content creators, teachers, experts, marketers, etc.
You should feel confident that you’re capable of running an entire blog all alone. You’re creative and smart.
You are intelligent and sharp.
And, You are a go-getter!
A self-starter.
A hustler.
Include this in your list of new year’s resolutions for bloggers.
So, ready for an exciting new year ahead?
What are your New Year’s resolutions for your blog?
I’m sure this list of New Year’s resolutions for bloggers gives you enough ideas to focus on.
So, tell me what are you going to focus on in 2025?
Share your New Year’s resolutions below.
Hi Arfa,
these are all great suggestions for things we want to do in the year ahead. For me, it’s having a balance between work and life.
This year was great from work perspective as I was able to make more money than ever before; but I also strained myself quite a lot and next year I will have to find a balance.
I know it’s possible to grow both health and well-being.
I just joined your email list. Can’t wait to see that free blog planner:)
Hey Nikola!
It’s so good to know that you had a great year. These are great resolutions! Having a work-life balance is so important, and I believe it should be a priority for many of us who work online.
True that! It’s possible and achievable. Give time to your health, and happiness.
Oh, thankyou! That’s wonderful. Happy to have you on the list π
Great resolutions to set goals and kill it in 2020! Thanks for sharing!
I love this post because it emphasizes setting blogging goals that you give in bite sized chunks and beginning the new year with a clean slate with which to start fresh. Your first tip is about starting out with the right mindset which is the most important tip in my humble opinion. Thank you for this valuable post!
Hi Kennedy!
Glad you enjoyed them and ready to kill in coming year.
Thanks, Robin! Yes, it has to be start this way. There are so many things to focus on but you need to look and set your own blogging goals that will actually help you become a better blogger in next 12 months. I strongly agree with the right blogging mindset! That’s so important.
Hi Arfa, I strongly believe that setting up strong goals are keying becoming successful in any area of life. I apply the same principles to blogging also. In this blog post you written some of the goals that any blogger can take up as their and can make 2020 a prospers year. I am borrow some of the goals from this blog post for sure π .
These the some of the goals for me in 2020:
Diversify your blog income
Practice self care
Uplift your website with a new look
Expand my social network
Find an accountability partner
Thanks for the amazing post.
what I truely lack is SEO and Social connection and Im gonna seriously work on that by 2020! Thanks
Good Read, I agree that blog commenting can be good for ranking and traffic.
Thanks again Arfa for such a helpful post! I totally agree about setting 3-month goals rather than a full year. In 3 months, it is possible to set more attainable targets, plus you don’t have to wait so long to celebrate!
I really need to get a content strategy in place for the next quarter, so that will definitely be one of my goals going forward, plus building up my email list.
I am unsure whether starting my own FB group is worth the time investment right now… with so much else to do. What do you think? Did it bring your traffic up?
Yeah it will work for sure, this handful list is so impressive arfa. Thanks for sharing.
It is quite intersting to check out the typical resolutions of bloggers.
However, it just varies based on what this current year 2019 has offered them. What lacks? Where they stand?
By the way, I have planned and determined to grow my email subscribers in 2020 than ever before. I am on a mission. Let all accomplish their goals in the upcoming year and prosper.
This helps me set goals for my blog and career come 2020.
Yes! Just start with new goals for your blog in 2020.
Hi Jessica!
Yes, definitely! It’s the perfect time to reflect back on the tasks, and steps you did in 2019 and then, plan accordingly. It also sets out a clear path for a successful strategy in coming year. That’s so awesome to know! Yes to thousands of email subscribers in 2020.
So excited for you, and also for me π
Thank you!
Hey Meghan!
How are you? I’m super glad you found this post helpful. I had to write this post for so long and one day I just sat down to write this piece as I know how important it is to plan out your blogging goals ahead.
Totally agree with the 3-months goal setting approach. And, as you said, not to wait to long to celebrate π
I like both of your goals! I do want to create a content strategy too and a big YES to email list. I’m working on it too, and I totally recommend it. It is a lot of work, but then, you have an audience you can speak with. (Plus other benefits too)
Well, I think YES! You have your own facebook tribe to promote, collaborate and communicate. And, yes, to some extent. Like whenever I share my posts, I always get clicks, and shares. More comments. But, it’s a regular work. The more efforts you add into your group, the more results you get.
Thanks, Angelina! Yes, we can’t really ignore blog commenting.
Great list to set my goals for 2020 blogging journey! Thank you so much! Also joined the email list. π
Hey Arfa! I’m good, and a happy New Year to you! Thanks for your feedback and advice on FB group, that will be another goal at some point in the future.
It is so easy to fall into a trap of trying to do too much too early. In fact, that should be an additional goal for the next few months too, keep it simple!
Thank you for this super helpful post! I’ve been focusing a lot on content quality, but I could definitely stand to make some connections & blogging friends ????
New Year Wishes
Here is the New Year! The new beginning the latest start of life!
Here’s wishing every one of you an awesome year.
Happy New Year! Hope this year is filled with health, love, prosperity, and loads of fun! Happy 2022!
Lets welcome the year which gives hope. Happy New Year!