Guest posting!
I am not accepting guest posts on my site for now.
It means writing and publishing a blog post on someone else’s website. Guest posting is basically speaking to a different audience through your own style. I love to make guest posts on other blogs. I also offer this guest post opportunity on my blog (occasionally). But, I’m very very selective when someone approaches to write a guest post on my blog.
However, it’s a nice way to connect with new readers and sharing your insights with them. Guest posting gives you exposure to a newer audience. It lets you communicate with a different audience and get your name out there.
Reasons I write guest posts;
- It helps me establish a long-term relationship with the blog owner.
- It gives exposure.
- It introduces you to a new audience.
- Gets you backlinks.
- More collaboration opportunities.
As soon as I started my blog, I managed to write a few guest posts for some great sites.
5 Killer Content Marketing Strategies For Small Budget Businesses – Fincyte
7 Key Elements Of A Seo Friendly Blog Post – TheSheApproach
How To Turn Blog Readers Into Paying Customers – Rankwatch
10+ Freelancers Share Their Best Secrets To Getting The Job – AmandaCrossBlog
Top 4 Reasons Your Blog Strategy Just Doesn’t Work – LadiesMakeMoney
47 Experts Share How To Achieve Your Goals This Year – Itsallyooboo
31 Things Boss Ladies Wish they Invested in Earlier in their Businesses – Aleiawalker
11 Steps To Work From Home, Be Your Own Boss – Entrepreneurialdiaries
How profitable blogging tips can make your blog successful – CharlotteLaila
Real talks with Arfa : How I started and grew my blog – Itsallyouboo
9 experts on how much content you need to start a blog – Side gains
If you have a knack for writing a piece of article or a blog post then you are highly welcomed. If you think you got expertise in blogging, marketing, social media, business, or productivity then ‘be my guest’. I cannot guarantee that your content will be published but I’m easily convinced of quality content, outstanding idea and in-depth post. If you are a proficient writer, you should just send me a message and I will be happy to publish your guest post.
So, just pitch me an idea or the topic of your title. I have the right to pick the content idea. We will discuss it and you can send me the final draft at arfaatshemeansbloggingdotcom.
I can only continue the conversation if I find your site authentic and updated.
Before you hit an email, I want you to consider the important aspects of writing a blog post and that is ‘No Copy Paste’. A genuine article that is unique and creative. It will go through the testing process of plagiarism. Be Aware!
To Apply For A Guest Post
- Pitch your blog post idea first and if it gets approved then you’re free to submit the article.
- I take a week or more than a week to review your submitted content and publish it on my website.
- The blog post should have at least 1000 words with 1-2 links to your website. It should be a high-quality content. You also need to submit your profile bio, social media links with a picture. Make sure to edit your post.
- Spend time in formating the post and make sure it’s readable. It should be in short paragraphs.
- When you submit a guest post, you get a backlink from a 33+ DA website which is surely great for your blog ranking.
- You should first establish a connection. Share my posts on social media. Leave comments on my blog. Interact with me. Read a few of my posts to get an idea of what I usually write and accept on my blog.
- Don’t just send me a pitch all of a sudden and expect to get accepted.
- Do share and interact with my content. As I will promote your post along with my other posts, I want you to make a genuine connection with the blog owner (that’s me).
- Don’t just pitch to get a backlink to please! I would appreciate that.
- Use the form below to submit your guest post request.
I will give it a comprehensive look at any inappropriate content. I would be honored to have your piece on my blog. I’m giving you the opportunity to speak to my audience. Be authentic and impressive!
I can’t wait to have you feature on my blog.
Happy blogging!
- Social Media
- Blogging tips
- Business tips / Business strategies
- Entrepreneurship
- Work from home
- Online business
- Blog traffic
- Email Marketing
For any query, drop a message.
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