Do you ever wonder why everyone talks about increasing blog traffic?
Consider any format.
Blog posts, ebook, courses, podcasts or emails.
The topic ‘Blog Traffic’ is everywhere.
Because getting enough traffic is the ultimate need to make your blog successful.
Yes, it is.
I don’t want to lie.
Whether you want to make money through blogging, sell a product, increase affiliate sales or even monetize your blog – website traffic is important.
Let me assume.
You have created a blog. Maybe, produced few blog posts and designed images. Now, you are trying to promote it on social media and everywhere else. That’s it?
No – you’ve to take a step forward and monitor.
Here comes the real part.
Getting 1000 daily readers mean nothing to some people, while few struggle to get 100 visitors a day.
If you want to learn how to get 1000 readers every day to your blog then scroll down.
Trust me, if you seriously note down the points and start working on it from day 1 then I guarantee you results. Of course, you’ve to work hard but you’ll see the results every day.
Let’s dive into it.
Want to start your own blog and make money? Use this step by step guide to creating a profitable blog. This guide has helped many bloggers set up their blogs.
This post contains a few affiliate links. To find out more information, please read my disclaimer. If you have any suggestions or questions please contact me here.
One thing.
There’s no rocket science to get massive traffic to your blog.
You’ve to give your 100%.
Ask any influencer about traffic tips. The first advice you probably get is to ‘work hard’ and produce great content. Then, they reveal effective strategies from their long experience.
Your first idea target should be to get 1000 daily readers. If you reach up to this mark, you start making money through your blog. It will definitely make a huge difference to your blog.
But, how to get 0-1000 daily readers?
I break the process into three parts.
Before you read the blog traffic tips, I have my own case study to share with you!
Case Study: How I Increased My Blog Traffic To 23,000 Pageviews Every Month!
Now, let’s find out how you can get daily 1000 visitors to your blog.
At the end of this post, you will find 5 other posts on blog traffic. You can read them also to learn more tactics.
Are you looking for a free facebook group? Come, and join ‘Bloggers Camp’ and participate in weekly threads to get new opportunities and collaborations.
1- Give Your Best
I always make it clear that blogging isn’t easy. Yes, it’s simple but you’ve to do it with passion. Many bloggers often ask about getting blog traffic, increasing social media followers and making money online. But, when I ask about their blogging work they go blank.
You cannot make a successful blog without doing endless hours of work.
You cannot make money if you don’t build traffic to your blog.
You don’t sell a product if you don’t have an audience that trusts you or believe in you.
Before you expect high traffic numbers – you need to give your 100%.
What exactly you could do to be authentic and gain consistent traffic?
In brief,
You just need to work on your blog and give your best.
I also realize the shortage of time for doing excessive blogging activities.
I understand it’s not easy.
Whatever you write or create, do it with interest. Make it the best! Your content stays up live forever. So, polish the posts and improve them. Do the same with images, widgets, emails, etc.
Treat your blog like client work.
Some other tips;
- Write on topics that are closely related to your specific reader
- Don’t just write an opinionated post. In fact, add little research, creative ideas, and more information.
- Have your own blogging voice so that your readers know you.
- Make captivating images and pins by using stock images.
- Promote, Promote and Promote
=> How to Write A New Blog Post in 60 Minutes
If you want to take your blog next level, and implement some smart strategies to boost your blog traffic then sign up for my free blog traffic course below!
Another point,
Have you been reading a lot about Pinterest for traffic?
Well, it’s all true! If you follow Pinterest strategies and use it regularly for promoting your pins, and collecting other pins then be assured to UP your traffic numbers fast.
Start using Pinterest to build daily traffic.
I’ve had excellent results with Pinterest, and I currently have more than 35k followers on Pinterest only. If you would like to see my pins first, then make sure to follow me @shemeansblogging
Some quick tips;
- Pin daily
- Create attractive pins
- Follow Pinterest SEO and gain organic traffic
- Be consistent
If you’d like to read more about Pinterest,
How Does Pinterest Work? Your First Pinterest Lesson
Pinterest SEO for bloggers : How to optimize your pins
3 No-Fail Pinterest Tips To Boost Blog Traffic
2- Be Consistent With Blogging
Just be honest for a minute.
Are you blogging consistently?
If not – you’ve to take blogging seriously.
We all strive to post consistently but most of the time, we fail.
This is where we make a mistake.
Would you rather visit a blog that updates weekly content or get attracted to a blog that was last updated 3 months ago?
I assume. You go for the updated (fresh) content.
That’s what I prefer.
You only get repetitive and new visitors to your blog if you post consistently.
Just like the quality of content matters, the frequency to publish content also matters. As a blogger, you need to balance a good relationship between frequency and content.
I explained the overall process in this blog post about being consistent with blogging life. I highly suggest you to follow the art of consistency, if you want to grow your following.
Remember, it’s not just about posting content heavily.
It’s a lot of other work too.
3- Unlock Blog Traffic Tactics To Grow Blog Traffic
You have to work more in a strategic way to grow your traffic and get 1000 daily visitors.
You get the tips for becoming consistent and establishing a routine blogging life.
Wondering, what’s next?
Getting traffic isn’t complicated. It’s extra work.
For that, you need to first LEARN, GET JUICY STRATEGIES and then, IMPLEMENT.
Your blog is a serious business, and you need to take it seriously.
Fast Track your Blog Traffic is the new guide for all bloggers who wants to achieve their big traffic goals. Not just you learn the secret hacks to create successful blogging content but also list of proven traffic strategies that will double or triple your current blog views.
The fact I know this ebook is profitable for you is because I have been into blogging for more than 4 years, and I have squeezed all my traffic secrets inside this ebook.
You will learn;
- The basics and importance of website traffic and what you must chase
- Basic essentials for every blog site to avoid any distractions.
- The mindset YOU need for sustainable traffic
- How to build traffic assets to drive a regular stream of traffic over years
- The art of clickable headlines so that you get more eyeballs on your well-written posts.
- Practical strategies to master blog content creation to attract new readers every time you publish a post?
- Choosing the appropriate social media channels so you can engage with your audience in the right places?
- Effortless content optimization techniques so you build organic traffic right from the beginning?
- 13 next-level tactics for an instant traffic boost because you don’t want to miss every opportunity to double your clicks, do you?
I admit that growing a blogging audience is not that easy. But, if you follow the right content strategy and blog promotion hacks, you can get loads of traffic even if you have started your blog 6 months ago.
Are you ready to grow your blog traffic?
Well, to be honest, you just need to get started!
When you’ve strategies and other steps planned out – all work gets so easier. When you read this ebook over the weekend, you should come up with a plan of action to boost your website traffic in coming months.
As I said, it takes some money to learn from those who’ve been into the field and have lots of knowledge on subjects. I know what works, and what doesn’t work at all. Instead of trying to figure out best ways to get traffic, read the guide and do the work.
Things do work!
More posts related to boosting blog traffic;
61 Blog traffic ideas for new bloggers: Download the checklist
5 Best Blogging Books To Grow Your Traffic
How I Get 23,000 Pageviews Every Month – Case Study
3 Pinterest Tips To Boost Blog Traffic
How To Increase Your Traffic Fast With 7 Simple Hacks
How To Get Unlimited Website Traffic From Google
Why Your Blog Is Not Getting Traffic? And, What to Do?
Are you still thinking?
Have you crossed the mark of 1000 daily readers?
If not – What’s stopping you?
If yes – would you mind sharing with us your major tips?
Nice tips. Will try to follow.
Some days I cross 1,000 but most days I’m in the 600-800 range. Working on it though! My biggest thing I’m working on is consistency.
These are great tips! I just started blogging, so I’m trying to get into a consistent rhythm and push myself to get involved with social media.
Great! Caitlin, you are making good numbers. Consistency is truly important to increase traffic numbers.
Hi Kerri, you are moving ahead with some focused goals. One is remaining consistent and other is ruling social media. All the best 🙂
Excellent article, Arfa! The two things that struck the strongest chord with me were to work hard and be consistent. We know that there are other small details, but without these two things, the traffic won’t come. Blogging is work, entrepreneurship, and we alone are responsible for the results of our blogs!
The book sounds interesting, and it’s on my list to read in the future.
Thanks again!
Courtney Helena
It seems to never work for me. I gave up everything to focus on blogging and promoting, my texts are considered kick ass by the readers but at the same time I only received 600 views since September and 5 mailing subscribers. What is wrong then?
Nice tips!
Thanks for this knowledge
Great tips! It is do true blogging is hard work! But it’s worth it ????
Thanks for the great tips!
I’m relieved if I get a 100 pageviews a day and I really do work for it. Hmm. I’ll check out your site some more. Thank you!
Awesome article loved it lol be using some pictures f the tactics
Thanks for the tips! I would like to blog weekly but what happens when you have writers block?
Hey Arfa,
You always have such helpful posts. I’m trying to finding that balance between my own blog and actually going after guest posting opps and such. I always give like 150% and it’s soo hard to do more on top of that, but I trust it will get easier as time goes on.
Thanks for your awesome encourgament,
Arfa, nice write up. I agree that hard work and consistency are key. I call it grit and showing up. Keep up the good work.
Hi, Arfa!
I’ve seen growth, downfall, and consistent traffic in my blogging career. I can guarantee that it comes down to what your content has to offer to the audience.
Whether a blogger monetizes through PPC ads or affiliate marketing, the key that most starters miss out is helping people. Income comes as a byproduct.
My personal experience says that whenever I created content with a clear mindset of helping people, it worked. Not only did it provide email subscribers, but it also increased monetization opportunities.
Hey Nadalie,
Thanks for always checking out and leaving your valuable feedback. It means a lot 🙂
Finding balance is one important thing every blogger is willing to understand and focus. Truly, your work showcases that 150% efforts! I think you need to just be yourself and wait for time to make things easier for you. Whenever I feel overloaded with work, I take a gap and trust me, it works every time.
Thanks for sharing these great tips!
Thanks for sharing this information. I am really trying to increase my traffic right now. It is takes forever and there is so much to learn. Thanks for breaking some of this down for me. It is helpful!
This is so helpful!! Thank you for all the blog tips! 🙂
Your tips are very helpful to new bloggers like me! <3
I personally think consistency is key! It shows your readers you’re serious about your topic.
Great advice! I’m a new blogger trying to find new ways to increase my traffic!
Getting consistent blog traffic is definitely a common struggle for new bloggers! I’ve found that, like you said, being consistent really is key. And that quantity isn’t nearly as important as quality. I used to try and put out as many posts per week as possible and I started feeling really burned out, so I scaled back to one, lengthy, quality post per week. It is so much more manageable and provides more value to my readers! Thanks for the awesome post!
I started my blog 7 years ago and didn’t realize the potential of it. Now, I’m picking up the pieces and these tips help a lot. Have to agree on consistency and giving your 100%!
Thanks, Meaghan! All the best for your new blog.
thanks for the article. I am reading more and more on how to increase blog traffic. I started blogging consistently in August and between August and September I doubled my blog traffic. Now my goal for October is to double it again and to keep doing it until I reach 2000 to 5000 daily page views. I have implemented a few strategies this month so we shall see how it goes by month end but your tips have given me more strategies to implement. Thank you for your post.
thanks for your great advises. I agree getting traffic is hard especially if you’re a newbie. But writing consistent posts and quality posts in necessary. That is my primary goal. In my blog too I try to write quality posts.
Thanks for sharing step by step, how to get traffic.
I’m glad you liked it.
Very good article on how to drive traffic to a new blog, my blog is only 2 months old with only 380 web traffic
Do you mean, what is a blog?
Nice blog post. I managed to make a lot posts now I’m focusing in driving traffic towards them, I dont blog for business, I blog for passion and it feels good knowing that people are listening to what I say. Thanks again
That’s a clear win for you, David. I also believe in writing with passion and purpose. Good luck 🙂
Great post! It’s definitely a marathon rather than a short race to the finish in achieving that end goal of 1,000 daily readers, but it’s always fun to see your numbers climbing slowly over time. One question I do have though, would you recommend utilizing paid search or social media advertisements to promote your posts/blog? A lot of guides mention organic reach, but I haven’t actually read one that recommended paid ad (and with Facebook’s latest algorithm change that topic is pretty relevant). Thanks again!
Hi Brandon!
I agree with you on seeing the numbers climb slowly as we put quality content and effective promotional strategies. This is what new and seasoned bloggers should anticipate. I must say that you’ve asked a good question. I see a lot of marketers recommend Facebook ad campaigns for lead generation and getting traffic to their business pages. But, I would say it’s better to utilize paid search first because it will certainly help you know the keyword competition which can be a huge factor in getting traffic from Google. On the other note, if you want exposure to your business, a Facebook ad campaign can be a good option. But, the campaign should be targeted enough that it brings your business in front of the potential buyers. Don’t expect a paid ad can get you millions of dollars in few days! The reason marketers and expert focus more on organic reach is that it brings the accurate and long-lasting results. Imagine the difference between the paid visitors and organic visitors? Well, that shows exactly what should be your primary goal! I would say put few dollars to test and analyze results. And, focus heavily to increase organic reach which can be attained with quality content that engages a reader. That’s what I think.
I hope that makes sense.
Thank you for sharing. My blog views just plunged from over 100 per day to less than 20 per day. I’ll have to try these suggestions.
Hi Chris,
The low traffic stats make bloggers freak out and I totally understand this. I hope you found some simple helpful tips for growing traffic. But, keep that in mind that traffic takes time and a lot of hard work. Stick to your goals, and write! All the best.
I am just a beginner to blogging and my views are up to 35.What should I do .?
Hi Hitesh!
Blog traffic takes time, and I’m sure if you continue producing great content and promote it right way – you will increase your pageviews. You can further read more tips in this post –
Good luck! 🙂
Hi Arfa! Great post! I found you on Pinterest and followed you here. I’m a brand new blogger. I’ve just (seriously) had my site up and running for about a month. I only get about 50 page views/day at most. I can’t wait to write more posts and need to be consistent! Thanks for a great post!
Thanks so much! As said, blog traffic and readership take time so I’m sure you are going to follow above-mentioned steps and build up your blog. It’s just one month, so just do what you’re doing and implement new tricks.
I post everyday, give it my all, but still cant average 50 page views a day. Only time will tell.
This guide clears my all doubts and give me some motivation and right now able to get very good and positive energy for doing my work. Thanks a lot.
Amazing and outstanding article.
Wow, Arfa Nazeer you are a great writer as well as a blogger I like your writing style and the information you have given here.
thanks for sharing
Amazing Tips! Never thought of these. I do have read Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies book and Lena’s Traffic Transformation. I guess it’s time to join the course you just offered. 🙂
Thanks Vidhi!
Yeah, Carly’s book is excellent and yes, you will love traffic transformation too 🙂
Great tips! I feel that my biggest thing is being consistent on my blog and social platforms.
Thanks, Teya! Yes, consistency is one major aspect to grow your blog and online presence. Just try to establish a schedule, and do something.
Thanks for the great tips! My husband and I started our blog about a month back and are really focusing on growing our traffic. Also, being able to efficiently manage our time between our other business and responsibilities. We’re definitely looking at this as a marathon and not a sprint!
Hi Ally,
Blogging is a lot of fun, and work. I’m glad you and your husband have started blogging, and I’m sure you must be ready to overcome challenges. Blog traffic is one of the main challenges! As I keep on writing that blogging isn’t any fast business making scheme. You need to invest your time into it to grow your traffic, make money and build your own community.
Good Luck!
Hi! I just started a blog a few weeks ago and glad I stumbled upon your post. I’m really having trouble being consistent with publishing new content. I appreciate your tips and will try to implement them in the next couple of days. Just wanted to drop in and say thanks 🙂
Hey, Trish!
Thank you so much for appreciating the post. As you’ve just started a blog, I would highly recommend working on new posts. Let me know your results after a month 🙂
Very helpful post for newbie blogger thanks .
Thankyou, Sandeep!
My blog has only been up for nearly 3 months. I’m getting about 4k monthly views, but struggling some days to get over 200, and others I’m getting 300 views a day.
I pin and use pinterest. I’m in tribes, on boards and try to pin daily. I create X4 of my own pins for each blog (or try to) and share them to groups, and my own boards. I am also on many social media sites and I promote constantly, as well as paying it forward to others.
So I don’t know where I am going wrong with blogging and traffic. Maybe I’m just too new. What do you think?
Really inspiring blog post. I have recently started using Pinterest to grow my blog traffic.
I hope I could generate reasonable traffic to my blog with this.
But I’m curious to know about HTTPS. I have recently moved from HTTP to HTTPS and lost 70% of my traffic from Google. What should I do?
I started my blog about a month ago, and still am struggling to even get a single view a day! I’m of course working on SEO, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. But I go to look at my stats and just see a lot of zero’s. I will read some of these sources you provided, thanks!
Hi Erinn,
That’s a little disappointing but if you are on the right direction, you will soon start seeing viewers to your blog. I definitely recommend you to start with pinterest and SEO from the very beginning. But, for some instant results, use Facebook groups.
Hope this helps.
Super helpful – will definitely be using these tips!
Great tips! As many other bloggers here, I agree that consistency is probably the biggest factor in gaining increasing visitors. 1000 is a great milestone for any new blogger.
Hey Ola,
I’m glad you found these tips helpful!
Hey Joel!
Thanks! No matter how much we put into our blogs but consistency is a clear winner when it comes to blog traffic, and overall growth. One step at a time, and you will see those blogging numbers grow.
I stumbled upon this post and I am super excited to dive into it tonight. Pinning it so I can refer back. Thanks for this post!
Hi Jessica,
Thankyou! I’m sure, you will learn how to easily get more traffic to your website.
Hi Nyxie,
I see that you’re doing all right! Sometimes, it’s also about time. Even if you’re getting 4k monthly pageviews after 3 months, I think it’s a great start. You can easily get about 10k pageviews in about 8 months.
SEO is another factor that can surprisingly increase your traffic after 6 months, if you are already optimizing your blog posts for search engines. I would definitely recommend learning basic seo tips so that you also get organic traffic in future.
Hope that helps.
It’s good that you have started using Pinterest but I wonder, why your traffic dropped. Maybe, give some time and see.
Thanks, Dipak! Glad it was helpful for you.
Thanks, Sayan! Yes, having consistency in writing new articles for your blog definitely helps in increase traffic.
I am so sure, you will have more traffic to your site. It’s a step by step process and we all see traffic growth after a certain time. Similarly, blog traffic takes time, and consistency. If you’re getting some traffic to your blog, there’s a high possibility that you can expand that traffic very soon!
Hi Anne,
Oh! Yes, blogging has got potential. It’s just that it also takes time, dedication and daily work to grow it. If you give your 100%, you will reap the rewards.
Hi Eden,
That’s the key to grow and have a consistent readership to your blog. As you said, new bloggers do struggle and this is where they need to think about the content they produce. I’m so sure, by writing lengthy quality posts, you have build trusted audience on your blog.
Keep up the good work.
Exactly, Shelby!
Consistency is key for growing your blog, or business.
I’m happy, you found these tips helpful.
I’m glad, these tips are helpful for you!
Hi Kate,
Glad, it was helpful for you! I completely agree that it’s a lot of work and time to grow your blog and increase traffic. But, knowing what to do next will help you grow fast.
I’m happy you found it helpful.
Hi Arfa,
Thanks for this great article. I found your blog on Pinterest and decided to come and check it out. I’ve just started a new blog on blogging and I need to master how to get more traffic. I’ll apply some of your strategies in the hope to start getting my first 1000 visitors per day. Thanks…
Hi Arfa!
I have just made up my mind for blogging and have posted two blogs on my website.
I was wondering for the blogging tips and found your blog. Truly speaking, these are the best tips I have gotten for my blogging mind. Thanks a lot for your experience!
Hope to enjoy a healthy blogging career!
Hi Jose,
I’m glad you have found this article on blog traffic helpful! Many people struggle with website traffic in early days so I thought to share practical blogging tips that actually help in growing website traffic. With that, I also wholeheartedly recommend my favorite course on blog traffic. Hope you enjoyed reading the post.
Awesome blog post and how to get traffic idea it’s cool ? and organic idea
Thankyou! Hope it helps.
After few months of blogging, I found out a sudden boost in my traffic through Pinterest. Was kinda shocked. But now, it’s more encouraging and fun. Pinterest is a must-have to boost your blog’s traffic from beginning.
Thanks Arfa. My aim is to cross the 100 Mark and get consistent in the upcoming year. I’m using Pinterest and so far so good.
Hi Sarah!
This is nice. I really like setting goals and then, stick to them. You will get there soon! Pinterest will definitely work for you.
Excellent read Arfa, so much so that I had to go through your About page to learn from your journey. Indeed, your success just like Rome, wasn’t built in a day.
Thank you for inspiring and hope to connect with you in other posts!
And one more thing have patience
Yes working on these and working hard!
It was a good read. Picked up a few things. I will implement them in my blog and hope to God i see some results.
Even though I am blogging for over three years now, I love to read all these tips to improve my game. Thank you so much for sharing this guide, There are definitely things I have to focus on.
lots of love, Miri
Amazing tips!
I have recently started using social media and have seen some results. Soon going to apply the other tips also.
Great Post Afra!
Really helpful thank you! I need to keep going more consistently – feel like I’m getting everything else down! Ox
Great information arfa. As from now onward i will be trying sharing my post on pinterest also. Thank you 🙂
Thank you for the tips! They give me a tiny ray of hope. However, i’ve read most of the comments and have read some of the blogs who have far better writing and content than I do, and they’re saying they still can’t hit over a thousand views. It can be pretty discouraging..
Wow thanks, Arfa! I’m just starting out blogging and promoting on Pinterest and these tips are super useful. I really appreciate it. Thanks again!
Thanks! I am so happy for you. Yeah, I would definitely suggest using Pinterest.
Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
Best Tips! I am so thankful that I ended up on this post today. Thanks Afra!
Thanks for the tips! Blogging in 2020 as a beginner is scary..but trying my best 🙂
Yes, it’s also overwhelming but definitely worth doing! I wish you all the best.
Great tips here! I think if there’s an evergreen niche in blogging– then, “How to get traffic” is the evergreen question! lol
Good question 😉 It is always an evergreen topic.
thanks for your great advise.
I believe getting traffic is hard especially if you’re a amateur . But writing regular posts and quality posts is essential . That is my primary mission. In my blog too I try to write quality posts.
Hi Arfa! This is a very inspiring and insightful read. I’ve been hard at work blogging myself but I’ve only managed to earn a few dollars so far. I would like to start working towards a full-time income so I’m out here doing a lot of reading and researching, hoping to learn a thing or two from people who have made it big in the blogging world. And this post has given me more than one or two insights. Thank you.
Hi Arfa,
Nice tips,
I’ve been struggling to get traffic on my blog for months. I will apply the methods you mentioned… thanks a lot
Every tip in this post i can say for a truth works. Especially the pinterest part… i have been struggling to get traffic to my blog but pinterest was the game changer for me. I still struggle with the consistency part but hopefully this will change soon.
Hi Arfa
Very much awesome post.
I bought a domain a year back, but was not able to focus and write as I was distracted on daily basis to keep surviving doing, loosing and changing whatever Jobs I did.
I have started writing full time a month ago after finally quitting Job for good.
I want your advice and guidance on what to do with my website to boost traffic ASAP.
Your help will be highly appreciated.
Hi Haresh!
Thanks for your comment. And, congratulation on starting your blog! There’s definitely a learning curve but endless opportunities out there. I would suggest start learning about blogging fundamentals and practice. Be consistent. Follow some experts and work hard. You should form a content strategy for to boost blog traffic. You can steal my traffic strategies and tips from popular ‘Fast Track Blog Traffic’ ebook. It has everything I have learned from my blogging experience and smart hacks to skyrocket traffic.
Hi Arfa,
Amazing tips!
I have recently started using social media and have seen some results, I mostly use instagram and twitter. Will start looking to create audience in Pinterest. Soon going to apply the other tips also.
One more thing i wanted to add is to focus on getting organic traffic i.e dont discount the power of good content and Google 🙂
Thank you so much, Arfa 🙂 I am a beginner blogger trying to improve my blogs and increase my traffic. This is great content and a useful tip. it really helped me. Keep Updating!
The 100% effort is where it’s at, Arfa. I love that mention my friend because only when you commit fully do you patiently and calmly hit all necessary details to drive organic traffic month after month. Going from 1 to 1000 takes mindful service and being all in. Excellent blog post.