Want to grow your blog income in Quarter 4? The last quarter of the year is the holiday season. While I was going through my own blogging income last year, I realised that I made the most chunk of my yearly income during that time. That’s when I thought of doing a post on growing blog income in quarter 4.
If you are a blogger and you want to increase your blog income in quarter 4, this post is full of ideas to make more money during the holiday season.
Seriously, you don’t want to miss this!
Make your blog ready for last quarter.
As most people spend time with their families, do shopping, block off time to invest and learn new skills, this is the perfect time to prepare your blog for quarter 4.
Even though October has already started and it’s time.
It’s better to do now than never, right?
In case you get overwhelmed with several blogging tasks, I want you to know that everyone’s journey is different. Every blog has a different niche and strategy to follow.
Do your best!
For most online businesses and bloggers, the holiday season is when they see a spike in traffic and sales. More money.
Leaving your blog unprepared for the holiday season is a kind of silly mistake. (I regret doing that)
Personally speaking, I didn’t do anything in my first or maybe, the second year of blogging. But, I did something last year which helped me make some more money than what I was making at that time.
I am hoping to increase my blog income in quarter 4.
And, I want you to do the same.
Grow your blog income!
Let’s get started.
Affiliate Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. If someone makes a purchase through affiliate links, I may earn a small compensation. For more, please read on to privacy policy and disclosure.
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My Blog Income in Quarter 4 Last Year
If you read my blog posts, you already know that I don’t share income reports for my personal reasons. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t make money, right?
But, I still do one thing.
I do talk about a few of my wins and any strategy that helped me make more money. I usually speak about it in my email newsletters.
I’m just sharing a few screenshots of my blog income from affiliate marketing. I do make money from other sources like ad income, and my own products. This year, I have started to do some freelance work on side and very soon, blog audits.
I made about $672 in commission with one affiliate program. The most was in November. I made $412 with a program.
The most affiliate sales came through during the black friday promotion. My blog post was already there. And, I had an email list of less than 5000 subscribers. Both worked in my favor and I made safe $412 in affiliate commission for almost a week.
Similarly, I also made $660+ with another program during a limited time period.
This is all affiliate marketing.
I also counted the month of ‘September’ to increase your blog income. I think the money or traffic season starts by the end of September.
Let’s say…
If you are part of Ultimate Bundles, you can actually promote these bundles to make money. Genius Blogger’s Toolkit just ended and it was such a wonderful bundle this time. If you bought it, you already know the value inside it.
Ultimate Bundles is for bloggers in all the niches.
<<Join Ultimate Bundles For Free>>
You can join any of these bundles that are closely relevant to your website audience. I definitely suggest to not sign up for any bundle campaign which is irrelevant to your audience. This will seriously not work and you might end up losing many subscribers from your list without making a sale.
Ultimate HomeMaking Bundle
Positive Mindset Guide
Creative Home Projects bundle
Work & Home Bundles
Herbs and Essentials Bundle
Ultimate Productivity bundle
There are other bundles too! You can check out all the other bundles here and join the affiliate program.
I hope you get the idea of how I make money from my blog. And, this will certainly help you focus more on affiliate marketing.
Before we discuss the action steps to grow your blog income in quarter 4, I wanted to share some blogging expenses that I do every month.
My Blogging Expenses Every Month
To make money, you spend money. I believe in investing in money in your blog to be able to make money. Well, I talk about it all the time. (But, there is no purpose to overspend but spending where it’s necessary)
Here are a few things that I pay every month. Few are monthly, quarterly or yearly payments.
==> Cloudways $12/month. I have had experience with different hosting companies. I definitely recommend Inmotion and Hostinger for beginners who are just starting out. It’s cheap in rates and easy to use.
Once, you have an established blog with regular audience, consider moving to Cloudways. I love it! It’s by far the best hosting provider.
Another great hosting service is bigscoots. You can totally trust these.
==> Keysearch keyword tool. It costs $17/m. I use it for finding keywords. It’s an affordable tool for finding long tail keywords. You can even use code ‘KSDISC’ to get additional 20% discount
==> Tailwind. It costs $15/m for scheduling Pinterest pins and using tribes.
==> Mailerlite: I pay $25/month for using mailerlite. As my email list grew to 10,000+ subscribers, I will have to more. You can start with mailerlite too for free.
Stock Photos: Yearly supscription. These are some really gorgeous stock photos. With the subscription, you also get pretty canva templates for so many things.
I keep trying new stock photo subscriptions. I do buy other photo deals too!
==> Canva Pro: It costs $12/month. But, totally worth getting canva! You can use this for designing all graphics, pins and what not.
==> Elementor: $49/yearly. With elementor pro, you can really use so many templates and design blocks. I use elementor for designing landing pages for my lead magnets and products.
==> Shortpixel: It costs $20/ one-time. I got 30,000 credits which mean 30,000 images to compress. It was enough for me. I never paid again.
Other than that, I do take different courses and ebooks that are so important in my blogging journey. I learn about things!
How to Track Blog Income and Expense Every Year
Even if you are a new blogger, you still need to track your blog income and expenses. It’s so important to calculate your monthly income and expenses.
I have started using it and it’s really good to reflect at your total earnings and expenses. Super simple. It does all the calculation for you. Love using it.
I make sure to fill this monthly tracker every month which gives me so much peace. I can track which affiliates worked well for me and where I spent most of my money. This certainly helps me further cut down my extra expenses (if any). This is a profit calculator. As simple as that.
I highly recommend getting this income/expense spreadsheet. You can use this for lifetime. All you need is to fill the spreadsheet with your blog income and expenses. It will calculate everything minus any expenses/taxes to show the total gross income and profit.
Use the code ‘TSA5OFF’ to get $5 off.
<<Click here to get the tracker for only $11.
Write Your Blog Income Goals For Quarter 4 in 2024
To grow your blog income, you need to start with goal setting!
I remember when I was new to freelance writing, I made a goal to make my first $1000/m with freelance writing. I wrote down the goal and the steps to achieve that goal in my notebook.
I used to see that every morning until I made $1000.
Related ==> How to write actionable blogging goals in 5 steps
I suggest you do the same.
- Take out your notebook
- Write down your blog income goal for quarter 4
- Whether it’s an extra $500 or $4000, just write it down
- Create a list of action tasks you are going to take to achieve that goal (followed by this post)
- Stick that paper on your desk, or wall.
This is your goal for the rest of 2020 so give your best to achieve it!
Trust me, this is all so exciting.
Now, let’s get straight to grow your blog income in quarter 4.
Action Steps to Grow your Blog Income in Quarter 4?
Money gives confidence. I agree with that 100%. Building your blog in a way that it generates income for you.
The list of blogging tasks we are doing this quarter will going to help you in next quarter too! So, it’s definitely time consuming but remember that you are making your blog to make income this year.
I created a quick action task list that will help you do important tasks to boost your blog income this quarter. You can download it below.
Let’s do it.
#1 – Write holiday blog posts to get seasonal traffic
This is the time for seasonal traffic. Holiday blog post topics are perfect for lifestyle blogs. Even if you have a food blog, you can also make the most out of holiday blog posts.
Start writing holiday blog posts. Plan your content till January and just start creating content.
It may take time for your blog posts to rank on Google, but it will happen. Certainly, if you are using Pinterest then your content will also get noticed there. Simply go over to Pinterest trends to find out what’s trending. And, start writing content about it.
Seriously, this is the time for increasing website traffic.
If you managed to increase traffic to your website in the last quarter, you make more money with ads. And, if you don’t have ads, you are actually increasing your pageviews so that you get accepted into ad networks. It is a win in both cases.
Here are few holiday post ideas;
- Christmas blog post ideas
- Holiday post ideas for lifestyle bloggers
- Christmas evening ideas
- Christmas cookies
- Save money during holiday season
- Holiday deals for moms
- Thanksgiving quotes
Just keep on thinking 🙂
#2- Create a digital product to make money
If you haven’t created a digital product before, you might be nervous about it. I completely understand. I was nervous too before I created my ebook.
Trust me, it’s not that hard.
Speaking of my own experience, just work on your product.
- Brainstorm product ideas
- Pick an idea that you can create in 2 weeks
- Start working on your product
- Sell on your website in November or December (whenever it’s done)
Yes, it’s time to do it!
Now that, I have two more ebooks!
I want you to speed up the product creation process.
You can even get these ebook and opt-in templates.
The most easy ideas are;
- Create a small ebook about a topic (you are experienced in, or got some results)
- Create a time-saving product (templates)
- Design an actionable product (printable, workbook, wallpapers, printable quotes for holidays)
You don’t have to spend months or even money to create a product. Just do it and try. It will only cost your time and some hard work. Maybe, if it works, you will do a better product next time 🙂
I created this set of 37 pinterest templates in September. It’s a completely new product and I haven’t yet promoted it much. But, I’m so happy that I created it.
You can get these clickable pinterest templates for only $16 with code ‘smbpins’. I have added some of my top performing pin designs that get me traffic every day. I’m so hopeful that these designs will work for you too.
#3- Create Roundup Posts For Affiliate Products
You may have joined a couple of affiliate marketing programs already but haven’t really written a post about them, right?
- Create a roundup post about makeup accessories (links to affiliate products)
- Write a roundup post about baby clothes items
- A roundup post on essential car parts (if that’s your niche)
- List of garden decorating items
It could be about your top affiliate products.
This is a really smart idea for making some extra sales during the holiday season. Highlight deals in these posts.
Related ==> Here’s a list of 35+ affiliate marketing programs for bloggers in different niches.
#4 – Create Best Gift Guides To Increase Blog Income
Gift guides are really popular on Pinterest. It’s where most users come for ideas. Like gift ideas for moms. Or, christmas gift ideas.
Start preparing for your gift guides right now!
All you need is to grab the ideas, find the affiliate links, take images and create a post around it. Most bloggers are making money with these gift guides.
Why don’t you?
According to this report, 60% of holiday shoppers start buying Christmas gifts before December 1!
That means, you need to create guides right now.
Here are some gift guide ideas for you;
- The Holiday gift guide
- Cool gift ideas for home
- Gift ideas for Christmas party
- Gift ideas for kids
- Gift ideas under $50
- Best gift ideas for men
- Gifts for pets
You can literally create a gift guide today and start making some sales in the coming days. You can find other gift ideas here.
#5- Update your Old Blog Post
You might miss some sales if you are skipping this step.
If you have been blogging for more than a year, you might have some old posts from last year. Maybe, you have written some roundup posts or gift guide or product reviews.
Make a list of those posts and update them with new keywords, title, meta description etc.
Replace any old link with a new link. Check your affiliate links. Add new internal links. I have started using LinkWhisper to update my old blog posts and it’s so much helpful. It saves me time and makes things easier for me.
The plugin gives me suggestions to include internal links. If I like it, I just click ‘update’ and the link is added. Otherwise, there is an option to change the words and internal links. It’s a time-saver plugin which helps to speed up my internal linking process. There’s only one-time payment and you have it with you. Click here to check it out.
#6 – Get Prepared for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to Make Affiliate Sales
Want to grow your blog income in quarter 4?
That’s when Black friday, Cyber Monday and all other holiday offers happen!
By the end of November, black friday deals will be here. You have time to make a spreadsheet for any affiliate program that’s offering black friday offers.
- Use this list to update your old post that drives most traffic with black Friday promotions.
- Write social media posts for Black Friday promotions.
- Shortlist 15-20 products you are going to promote. If it’s a lot, cut it down. Do not overburden yourself with too many products.
- Choose the affiliate products that has already worked for you before
- If you have your own products, start creating bundles and black friday offers.
- Reach out to brands or companies and ask if they will have any black friday deal.
This report concluded that 23% of consumers use social media to help with their holiday shopping.
As I said, the ideas are endless 🙂
I repeat.
Do not overburden yourself with tons of things. It will be holiday season and you don’t want to spend your time over your blog all day.
Make a list of things and start working on your list from today.
#7. Build your Email List to Make Money
I highly encourage you to keep working on your email list to grow your blog income in quarter 4.
To be honest, it’s so important to build an email list if you have affiliate products or even, your own products. An engaged email list can help you make money.
Try using different email sign up forms techniques to increase your email list subscribers.
You can start using Mailerlite or Convertkit for the first 1000 free email subscribers. There are different landing pages, email forms, and automation to use. Just start it! You will learn as you go.
For example, I do use a pop that converts really well. But, I have enabled the settings to show this popup after a visitor spends more than 50 seconds on my site. I have also disabled the popup for mobile users.
You just have to test and experiment.
Related ==> 5 steps to get 500 new email list subscribers
Final thoughts on Growing Your Blog Income
Tell me, are you excited to increase your blog income?
If you are not, there is no way I can help you. You need to work on your blog income goals.
Write down your 3 goals to grow your blog income in quarter 4!
Tell me, what are you going to make more income.
Mudassir says
So glad to learn your blog expenses and how you get ready for q4 sales, arfa. Undoubtedly, you have shared great tips to make our blogs ready for holiday shopping season: especially tips like creating roundups, updating old posts, and creating guides on blackfriday deals that relates to your blog niche.
This article is like a kick-boost for bloggers to make the most out of blackfriday sale. I’m excited and learned a lot out of this article. Thanks!
Arfa Nazeer says
So glad to know that, Mudassir! I encourage myself and all other bloggers to do this. All of these ideas work in my blogging niche so all it takes is to make a plan and do it.
Thanks for taking out time to read and appreciate it!
Good luck.
Liton Biswas says
Hi Arfa,
A lot of good ideas here to apply in Q4 to increase blog income. What I like most about you is that you write posts from your heart. That’s a good thing and it entertains readers, at least me.
Thanks for your valuable tips.
Arfa Nazeer says
Hi Liton,
Thank you! This just made my day. I try that every time to write from my heart and make it as transparent as I can. I want to make posts that are written for anyone – no matter where they are in their blogging journeys.
Thanks for reading.
Louise says
Hadn’t thought of black Friday and cyber Monday deals! Great tips thanks x
Bailey McGraw says
Great post and tips, thank you so much!
Arfa Nazeer says
You are welcome!
Angie says
I love the Black Friday and Cyber Monday tips! I’m not from a country where those days are a thing, but my I always tend to forget most of my readers come from the US. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing this amazing post!
Heather says
Your post are always informative. Thank you. I am looking for ways to make money off of my blog without ads. I’m just unsure of what avenue to go down.
Arfa Nazeer says
Thanks so much Heather! I personally think you should choose a new way and just stick to it. If that’s affiliate marketing, just go through that route and evaluate if this is working for you. If not, choose a new income stream. I’m sure there are different ideas for you to try out and the possibility to make money.
Arfa Nazeer says
Exactly my thoughts! I even don’t belong to US and all these black friday and cyber monday are not celebrated here but it’s about the audience who is from U.S. So, that’s how we can plan to make more money in last quarter.
Shiori says
Thanks so much for the great tips and your timely reminder!
Vishwajeet Kumar says
Hello Arfa,
This is a detailed post. I also have made some good income through affiliate marketing. Updating your old posts can be helpful in ranking your blog posts on the search engine result page. I also update my blog posts once a month to keep my content fresh.
Vishwajeet Kumar
Arfa Nazeer says
Hi Vishwajeet!
It’s good to read that affiliate marketing is working good for you. That’s such a great tip. Updating old posts always keep the content fresh, and helps in adding income.